Activity 1: Developing Message
Issue 1: The health promotion of physical exercising and home gardening in this
time of pandemic
Key Messages:
Physical exercise keeps the body strong and healthy
Home gardening helps the mind keep calm and gives off vitamin D
Doing both can make a person healthy by keeping them occupied
Final Message:
Doing physical activities and gardening during the pandemic can keep you healthy and safe, strengthening the body and calming the mind, away from the thought of COVID-19.
Issue 2: The debunking of disinformation or disinfodemic (misinformation, fake
news) regarding the CoVid vaccine
Key Messages:
Only get your information from reliable sources
Keep in mind that social media posts are NOT good sources of information
Do your own research about COVID-19 in order to avoid misinformation
Final Message:
Doing one’s research during the COVID-19 pandemic is more reliable than getting them from social media, as dissemination of information on some platforms are questionable at most.
Issue 3: The continued observance of the minimum health protocols NOT only to
mitigate the risks of contracting CoVid, but also adapting it as a “way of life”
Key Messages:
Minimum health protocols must observed in order to reduce the spread of COVID
Normalize the practice of minimum health protocols because the country has not yet fully recovered from the virus
These practices can help you combat COVID and keep your family and yourself healthy
Final Message:
Doing minimal health protocols help prevent the virus from spreading as there is no way for it to catch onto you and be transferred from another person.
Activity 2: Public Health Campaign IEC
Issue 1: The health promotion of physical exercising and home gardening in this
time of pandemic
Issue 2: The debunking of disinformation or disinfodemic (misinformation, fake
news) regarding the CoVid vaccine
Issue 3: The continued observance of the minimum health protocols NOT only to
mitigate the risks of contracting CoVid, but also adapting it as a “way of life”